Saturday, February 12, 2011

Whaddup ?!

Hey peeps. Been a long long time since I last update this thing. Well, my life hasn't change as much. But my lifestyle did. Oh man. Suck. SUCK I TELL YOU. Sometimes, I got so pissed off at the smallest little things. Especially this days. I got so pissed off so easily that people got pissed of with ME. What the heck. Well. What to do. Hey. Know what? Probably they will re-elect a new President. YEAH MAN! And plus. I got new band fetish. Guess who? Old boys WESTLIFE!!!!! Yeah that's right. Loving them man. :D Life is short people. I got so many problems. But I kept everything away. But I remembered what Mr Kamal said: "You can keep on letting people punching your face and forget  about it. But will you? What will you do if people punch your face?" 

I still remember my answer to that question:  "I will punch back of course!" Tearing. Tears are dropping, I tell you. He told me something that really is so meaningful: "Yeah, you can punch back. But wouldn't that be harsh? Your solving a problem by making another problem. And you have another option you chose not to choose. You can turn around and lock them person up and warn them not to punch you. Which simply means you solve that problem by really solving. You take small little steps,though it's very hard for you. "

I teared more. I never knew why. But serious shits, he spoiled me rotten. But thanks to him. I am the person I am now. Not all changed. But slightly better. Slightly loved. Thanks to him, everybody's world is a little bit more better. Though it's not much. It still is better.

Signing off

P/S : Smile. People, smile. :)       

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